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Helsinki Trump Putin summit 2018

Finland arranged a spectacular meeting in Helsinki for the foreign leaders and the cost for the Finland government is around 12 million € according to the Finnish government media Yle. It is impossible to know if this political event made so huge headline that the money can ever be recovered back with tourism or with businesses with the positive media Finland gained with the meeting. On the other hand, the meeting was a huge flop for the United States and Russian Federation was the biggest victory in this meeting. All the crimes that Russia has been doing in the years United States president Trump just forgave them, but the politicians in the USA are getting worried about the president Trump’s possible collusion with Russia after the meeting in Helsinki. The USA politicians don’t seem to be eager to forgive Putin for poisoning a foreign agent in the United Kingdom, Crimea war crimes, trying to ally with the Middle East and for many other crimes. Why does Donald Trump even want to side with Vladimir Putin? Trump denied all their governments information about Russia hacking the elections and even the fact for the 12 spies USA have caught already related to the election hacking and mingling with the elections inside the country (Reuters). This just raises more question is President Trump dim-witted, it’s just a political trick or Russia has something on President Trump and they control him? Its impossible to know since the investigation against Trump is in still water and slowed down and the next USA president elections are little over 2 years from now and soon they can’t judge President Trump if he is re-elected. The highlights of the meeting were that Trump has no manners, he lacks a lot of knowledge, he doesn’t even prepare anyhow for the meeting and he just likes to answer media questions. In the end, this worries a lot in Europe since the United States seemed to be a close ally for us and now after the United Kingdom leaving European Union we need to stay even stronger and closer allies with our neighbour countries and the latest great news were the free trade deal with Japan. A couple of years ago there were big plans With the European Union and the United States to have their own free trade plan but it’s basically scrapped now. It seems that war crimes are now allowed in both the United States and Russian side and there will not be any chance for peace from all the wars, the European Union can’t be the only country that fights against Russia since many other countries are just going to keep doing trade with them like China, India and the Middle East. Written by Mikko Tenhunen

Sources Shepardsons, D., Strobel, W. Reuters. 2018. U.S. accuses Russian spies of 2016 election hacking as summit looms, Accessed on 24.7.2018. Yle. 2018. What did the Helsinki Trump-Putin summit cost?, Accessed on 24.7.2018

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