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Finland should not send peacekeepers into Ukraine

There are currently talks about Finland sending their peacekeepers together with Sweden into Ukraine, but this idea seems to be fading away. It is understandable that the Ukraine crisis should have been averted altogether and the crisis has lasted since 2013 November, but the issue is that the separatist soldiers fighting in Ukraine are supported by the Russian Federation and their soldiers are fighting there as unflagged soldiers, not to mention most of their military gear comes from Russia. We must not forget that Russia is one of the United Nations founding member and they can influence what can happen to the peacekeepers in that current country. It would be irresponsible to send any peacekeeping units into Ukraine. How would it be seen if the separatist soldier that is fighting as a non-flagged soldier kills a UN peacekeeper and Russia would just deny it and use their Veto vote power in the UN. The only way there would be any right-minded way to send peacekeepers into Ukraine is if Russia would temporarily withdraw out from UN until Ukraine situation would be stabilised, but this would never happen. It would also cause a huge power vacuum for the other veto power countries such as China, United States, United Kingdom and France. Currently, there is no peace in sight at Ukraine and there are about 1000 ceasefire violations daily according to YLE which would make the peacekeeping mission extremely difficult, dangerous and there would be casualties on both sides which can’t be averted. Currently, the only option would be to wait and give humanitarian help by either taking Ukrainian people as refugees or sending humanitarian support. Russia will run out of money to fund the separatist soldiers in Ukraine sooner or later and they will have to withdraw their “green beret” soldiers from Ukraine. This crisis has almost lasted for 5-years and there is still no solution to be made. The European Union seems to be losing the grip in their economic sanctions against Russia since some of the EU-member countries still want to do trade with Russia which is a huge ethical issue if we allow this unofficial war or crisis to continue on without doing anything to stop it. References BBC News. 2015. Ukraine crisis in maps. Accessed on 24.2.2018 Mattila, R. 2018. YLE. Tällainen on Itä-Ukrainan "tulitauko": Keskimäärin 1 000 rikkomusta päivässä. Accessed on 24.2.2018 McClean, E. 2014. Senior lecturer in Law, University of Westminster. Hard Evidence: who uses veto in the UN Security Council most often – and for what? Miller, T. 2016. Mercycorp Quick facts about the Ukraine crisis. Accessed on 24.2.2018. Written by Mikko Tenhunen

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