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Download your favorite music to youre device. Dont trust the cload services

Just a reminder when people don't understand why they should download all their music to their devices is that someday the service might shut down, blocked or the data might be removed forever. It's not just music this keeps happening with everything that is digitalized: applications, services, websites, games and my all-time favourite the "cloud services" these services are not there forever. Not everyone has the skills to use Vpn especially the older people who have trouble using Google or banking in their daily lives. Try explaining to them that they should pay extra money so they can access more services. Teosto is basically killing the Finnish business or forcing them to move out of Finland. The other bad thing is that basically making anything for Finnish consumers is already too risky and these small changes can kill their business.

Sources "Youtube blokkasi suomalaisilta kaikki Teoston alaiset videot" Sad to read from the internet that even this classic song was blocked by Youtube since Google and Teosto cant gets to an agreement with each other.

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